NOTE: it is always good to wear safety glasses when doing any science experiment.
TANK VACUUM SHOOTER: SUPPLIES: A tank vacuum, duct tape, a long tube of cardboard like a gift wrap core and a short piece of cardboard tube about 6 inches long, a piece of cardboard about 4” square, a light ball or tube that will fit inside the long tube. Using an X-acto knife, scissors or serrated knife, cut a pattern of pizza slices as shown 5 inches from one end:
Do not make the cuts too big- just enough to fold them outward and slip the short piece of tube inside. Tape this securely so it doesn’t leak air. If this short tube won’t fit over the end of the tank vacuum hose, use another tube or cardboard to join the two. Attach the shooter to the vacuum as shown, turn it on, and place the card on the far end. Bring the ball or tube up to the long end. The ball will be sucked through the tube, and shoot out the other end. Of course, don’t point this at anyone. It doesn’t come out too fast, but it could still hurt up close.
Submitted by S. Jeppesen
Youth Services Librarian
Hunter Library (Salt Lake County Library Services)